Completed the painting of two 170’ long retaining walls that border our western boundary of the neighborhood at Mississippi & F and Mississippi & H street
Completed two neighborhood litter clean-up events – Spring & Fall
Provided Hall STEAM school with a grant ($250)
Applied for, and was awarded a $1,500 grant from the City of Little Rock to paint the retaining walls at University and Ridgecrest Dr.
Completed two (2) neighborhood litter clean-ups with a combined 34 volunteer participants
Completed the clean-up and painting of two 100’ long retaining walls that border our eastern boundary of the neighborhood at University & Ridgecrest Dr.
Crime Watch Coordinator attending NW Division meetings with LRPD to keep apprised of the latest news and changes to keep our neighborhood safe; and consulting with LRPD NW Division on specific issues involving our neighborhood
Spearheaded a street lighting initiative in the Ridgecrest Manor neighborhood of HHNA; Coordinated with City engineers and Entergy
Under the direction of Blanca Hernandez, with the Pulaski County Cooperative Extension Service, HHNA volunteers painted wrought iron patio furniture and handrails near the raised gardens at Williams Magnet school. Several dedicated HHNA volunteers spent numerous hot summer days spreading truckloads of mulch and crushed gravel around the garden beds. This has made for a more manageable and walkable surface for the students, teachers and volunteers. We also must credit a young boy named Joseph (a former student of Williams Magnet) who was walking by the gardens at Williams one day and asked if he could help. We gladly obliged. Thank you, Joseph, your service to your neighborhood and former school is greatly appreciated!
Launched a Yard of the Month program that will also include holiday décor winners in October and December
Created a HHNA website to keep residents apprised of upcoming activities
Trimmed shrubs on backside of Meriwether Park and removed 2 dump trucks full of yard waste
Planted over 600 flowering bulbs at Mississippi & F streets and at the entrance to Hall STEAM Magnet and conducted landscape and litter clean-up at Hall
Participated in the Keep Little Rock Beautiful litter campaign within our neighborhood
Provided volunteer support and groceries to assist the emergency shelter at Hall immediately following the March 31, tornado
Applied for and received $1,500 “Love Your Block” grant from the city to apply towards landscape improvements at Meriwether Park
Coordinated with Little Rock Parks & Recreation to install a new sprinkler system at the main entrance to Meriwether Park and remove old shrubs. HHNA spent 115 volunteer hours planting over 200 new plants at the entrance.
Provided $250 to Hall STEAM Magnet as part of an $800 campaign to purchase student art supplies